80 Hours in the air - Three balloons still flying
The remaining three balloons in the air, GER1, GBR3 and USA2, are all following different strategies. The Americans have spent the night s-l-o-w-l-y drifting off the east coast of Italy, and are now at a 9000' tracking at 7kt towards the south. David HA and Willi Eimers are still flying to the east-by-north-east towards Moldova, and this will not give them enough distance to surpass the distance set by the Swiss. I will run some simulations to see what today may hold for the teams.
Here in Flight Control we had a thankfully quiet night, and I managed to get a massive four hours of shut-eye! Don, Hannah and Kevin also slept here in the Cameron's factory.
... and suddenly the phone starts ringing and we have to handle questions about two of the three remaining teams, and we haven't even had breakfast yet...